The Road Kill Menu

Last week in my writing class, I was feeling the grind of the semester and the drudge of homework. And not just any homework: writing, where there is no clear fill-in-the-black to an assignment per se, but endless possibilities, with a bit of the subjective thrown in.

For a perfectionist, this is hell. In that moment, I didn’t even want to think of the drivel I would produce under a 10-minute prompt deadline.

Until … a lovely assignment to write a “road kill” menu of at least four entrees, consisting of “stomach churning, disgustingly awful things one could ever imagine appearing on a dinner plate.”

Here are some of the class results:

Bird Drop Soup
Kitten Pot Pie
North Country Steak smothered in Moose Saliva
Armadillo Cutlet
Fresh-Boiled Roadkill of the Day
Housemade Skunk Ravioli
Transmission Fluid on Ice
Day Old Coffee
… and those are just a few

A nice break from serious personal essay and character development.

What’s the most disgusting thing you’d want to add to the menu?