Tag: Nerdiness

Hurricane Ridge

Hurricane Ridge

It was rainy on my last day in Washington last week and I found myself in Olympic National Park, Hurricane Ridge to be specific. I didn’t mind at all that our view was obstructed. When you are at your final destination on a trip, one 

Yosemite- Day 4

Yosemite- Day 4

Last day in Yosemite! I made the decision to exit via the south so we could see the other side of the park and delay our departure by a few miles. But first, one last look before leaving the valley. When we reached Wawona and 

This week ….

This week ….

Just to letcha know, there will be lots of exciting photos this week, including jellyfish, hissing cockroaches, trees, national parks, baby ostriches, and real, live bear poop!
Stay tuned.

Grant’s Tomb

Grant’s Tomb

More photos discovered from the New York trip! Today, it’s from Grant’s Tomb. Did you know that not only is it right in New York City, but is also the largest mausoleum in the country? I was happy to cross this off my old history 

Furniture Tour

Furniture Tour

Hey, art lovers. There’s still one more tour we haven’t seen from my wonderful day at the Met during my week in New York. And get ready, it’s a nerdy one. Royal furniture and stately rooms! I seriously can’t get enough of this stuff. The 

Arts of the Islamic World

Arts of the Islamic World

Okay, how much do you know about Islamic art? Because I know nothing.

So to continue with neato things from the Met, here are some snapshots from the tour of Arts in the Islamic World. Notice the importance of symmetry, arches, and the use of stone, tile, and woodcarving. This makes me want to jump on a plane and head to Morocco, or Iran, or the holy land, anywhere I can get more of this aesthetic and precision to detail.


Calligraphy- mostly found in Arabic for a traditional Koran.

Carpet weaving.

Blown glass.

At this point, I just started taking pictures of every pretty and/or shiny object my little camera could hold.

Highlights from the Met

Highlights from the Met

It’s been a busy couple weeks moving. I’m still coming up for air, so let me take this time to reflect on a day trip in New York I haven’t shared with you yet. A jam-packed afternoon leaves us with art for days! (And that 

My New Favorite Blog

My New Favorite Blog

It’s such a shame that in all my days chasing around music boys in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, I never ran into Bon Iver. He was probably busy hanging out with cool guys while we band geeks were lucky to mix with the “jazzers.” Perhaps that allows 

The Road Kill Menu

The Road Kill Menu

Last week in my writing class, I was feeling the grind of the semester and the drudge of homework. And not just any homework: writing, where there is no clear fill-in-the-black to an assignment per se, but endless possibilities, with a bit of the subjective thrown in.

For a perfectionist, this is hell. In that moment, I didn’t even want to think of the drivel I would produce under a 10-minute prompt deadline.

Until … a lovely assignment to write a “road kill” menu of at least four entrees, consisting of “stomach churning, disgustingly awful things one could ever imagine appearing on a dinner plate.”

Here are some of the class results:

Bird Drop Soup
Kitten Pot Pie
North Country Steak smothered in Moose Saliva
Armadillo Cutlet
Fresh-Boiled Roadkill of the Day
Housemade Skunk Ravioli
Transmission Fluid on Ice
Day Old Coffee
… and those are just a few

A nice break from serious personal essay and character development.

What’s the most disgusting thing you’d want to add to the menu?

An Afternoon at the Opera

An Afternoon at the Opera

When living in New York and constantly surrounded by people, I believe it’s especially crucial to carve out time to do things reserved just for you. It might be going to a museum once a month or spending time in the morning doing a crossword