Month: April 2012

Mason Jar Chandelier

Mason Jar Chandelier

Walking around downtown Petaluma last weekend, I glimpsed in this antique store window and nearly kept on walking. Then, upon closer look … I saw a mason jar chandelier and my heart nearly stopped. And not only with mason jars, but blue mason jars! I 

One Pig Dinner

One Pig Dinner

Last week, I found myself in Healdsburg, at a Montessori school getting CPR and first-aid certified to be exact. “When in Rome,” I thought afterwards, and went to Zin Restaurant, as the locals do. Having worked here just after college and again last year, this is 

Poetry for Your Wednesday

Poetry for Your Wednesday

From "Diving Into the Wreck" by Adrienne Rich

And now: it is easy to forget
what I came for
among so many who have always
lived here
swaying their crenellated fans
between the reefs
and besides
you breathe differently down here.

I came to explore the wreck.
The words are purposes.
The words are maps.
I came to see the damage that was done
and the treasures that prevail.
I stroke the beam of my lamp
slowly along the flank
of something more permanent
than fish or weed

the thing I came for:
the wreck and not the story of the wreck
the thing itself and not the myth
the drowned face always staring
toward the sun
the evidence of damage
worn by salt and sway into this threadbare beauty
the ribs of the disaster
curving their assertion
among the tentative haunters.
Lessons Learned from Live Chats

Lessons Learned from Live Chats

I needed the better part of the weekend to recover from a live chat on Friday discussing the future of food writing. (Okay, so there were some parties, too.) But seriously, for the precious pearls of wisdom gained from seasoned writers dishing out free advice, 

The Road Kill Menu

The Road Kill Menu

Last week in my writing class, I was feeling the grind of the semester and the drudge of homework. And not just any homework: writing, where there is no clear fill-in-the-black to an assignment per se, but endless possibilities, with a bit of the subjective 

Live Chat on the Future of Food Writing

Live Chat on the Future of Food Writing

If you’re catching this early, tune into the live chat on Twitter for an international discussion of the future of food writing. The handle is #futurefoodwriting with Amanda Hesser of Food52 and countless food bloggers, writers and journalists.

Here’s a great link with guidelines for asking questions and a list of panelists.

See you there at 11 am Pacific Time, or check in with the Rambling Epicure for a recap.

Props to Santos Anne

Props to Santos Anne

During my trip to New York last month, I had a spontaneous lunch with a friend in Williamsburg. We walked into Santos Anne, a new place on Union that popped up in the time I’ve been away. One of my favorite things about New York 

Save that Ham Bone!

Save that Ham Bone!

Last weekend, a chef friend asked me if I would use a leftover leg bone from a roasted pig. Um, yes! This may look like garbage or dog food to some, but I assure you it’s pure gold. With a world of southern recipes I 

It’s Fun to Be Fancy

It’s Fun to Be Fancy

I never imagined there was something better than champagne. There is. It’s called champagne with a wild hibiscus flower.

For special nights with special people (and that can include just lovely old you), I highly recommend dropping one of these wild hibiscus flowers in a glass of bubbles. Don’t worry, they’re edible and come in a lovely syrup to add a blush of color and sweetness to your glass.

Your friends will be amazed and think you’re real fancy. Don’t worry. It’s okay to be fancy sometimes.

food52 Love

food52 Love

I am not sure what has taken me so long to join the food52 community. (For you, Pop, it’s like Facebook for foodies.) I’ve been following Amanda Hesser ever since she inspired me to write a book about staging. She was a fellow trainee in