Tag: Projects

Last Minute Easter Eggs

Last Minute Easter Eggs

Here’s a great last minute egg dyeing activity with supplies you probably have in your home already. We found ourselves without egg dye, but have lots of nail polish! Place a few drops of your favorite colors in tepid water, drop in a hard boiled 

Water Drum to Composter

Water Drum to Composter

We’re getting ready for spring around here and I thought I’d share an idea the hubby came up with a few years back for an easy, clean composter. First, take an old water drum. This one is 55 gallons and has a screwtop lid. Drill 

Happy Campers

Happy Campers

Almost two years ago, we did something a little crazy ….

 … We got a camper! (And yes, it would have been much more dramatic, if I had posted the news two years ago when it actually happened.)
But here she is, our little old RV bumblebee. We found her parked outside my daughter’s school, and it had been inhabited by a hippie crone looking for the right people to claim it. We could feel the love she put into it and hope to continue renovating it!

It’s a ’77 Dodge Robinhood, just three years younger than my husband! But like him, it’s got good bones.

We love the bamboo floors, and plan to embellish the rest of the interior, and stretch our DIY skills to the limit. Our style is to preserve as many of the original details as possible, and repurpose as much as we can.

The next few posts will show the last two years putting our hearts into this baby, and creating some memories with our family. We hope to inspire other DIYers to getting out of the comfort zone and tackling some projects of your own! Thanks for reading.

Reupholstering with Burlap

Reupholstering with Burlap

Reupholstering was something I thought a Renaissance gal should know how to do, like chopping wood or hemming pants. But it can get expensive, so why not try it with something frugal like burlap? These ghastly chairs made the perfect victims. Getting them apart was 

An Overview of Jam Making

An Overview of Jam Making

If you haven’t been seeing so much of me these days, it’s probably because I’ve been busy canning. That’s right, Chuck and I have a new obsession, and when we aren’t talking about it or doing it, we’re thinking about it. As a newcomer to 

Mason Jar Chandelier

Mason Jar Chandelier

Walking around downtown Petaluma last weekend, I glimpsed in this antique store window and nearly kept on walking. Then, upon closer look …

I saw a mason jar chandelier and my heart nearly stopped. And not only with mason jars, but blue mason jars!

I started looking around and found some more inspiration.

Here’s a DIY version from Instructables. No wiring required.

What I really want are some tutorials from Boots N Gus on Etsy.

Come back when you’re done window shopping, dear reader.

The Vardo

The Vardo

With Maker Faire just around the corner, it seems like everyone’s getting into the maker spirit around here. And wouldn’t you know, the master craftsmanship of Paleotool created this adorable, yet extremely funtional, gypsy caravan deemed “The Vardo”- complete with a bed, stove, and ample 

Painting With Pizazz

Painting With Pizazz

This weekend in St. Paul, I got to enjoy celebrating with my best friend on the signing of her new home. She got her keys the day I arrived.  That meant lots of errands to run, rolling up our sleeves and diving into sprucing things