Tag: Home

Water Drum to Composter

Water Drum to Composter

We’re getting ready for spring around here and I thought I’d share an idea the hubby came up with a few years back for an easy, clean composter. First, take an old water drum. This one is 55 gallons and has a screwtop lid. Drill 

Love from the Garden

Love from the Garden

Sending a little love from our summer garden to you!

Reupholstering with Burlap

Reupholstering with Burlap

Reupholstering was something I thought a Renaissance gal should know how to do, like chopping wood or hemming pants. But it can get expensive, so why not try it with something frugal like burlap?
These ghastly chairs made the perfect victims. Getting them apart was easy, just unscrewing the bottom from the back and making a simple slipcover. (Ahem, I did not follow any proper upholstery protocol at all!)

Sticking burlap is a little tricky due to the wide open weave and fraying, not to mention if you are doing weird patchwork tricks to jury-rig a wider piece of fabric.

This was done with absolute beginner sewing skills on the machine. Tidy hems will make it all the more polished and kick the shabby chic up a notch.

Here you can see the seam where more fabric was added, but I don’t really mind it. In fact, I think it adds some personality.

This was an easy way to dive into reupholstering. What else could you burlap?!

Saturday Mornings

Saturday Mornings

I’m not usually a morning person, but weekends have me waking up early to feed my neighbor’s horses. What started as a chore has become a peaceful, almost zenlike approach to the day. I appreciate the intention it brings and any moment to connect with 

An Overview of Jam Making

An Overview of Jam Making

If you haven’t been seeing so much of me these days, it’s probably because I’ve been busy canning. That’s right, Chuck and I have a new obsession, and when we aren’t talking about it or doing it, we’re thinking about it. As a newcomer to 

Revamped Switch Plates

Revamped Switch Plates

 I’ve been in my new apartment for three months and it’s cute as can be- except for the light switch covers. They’re just terrible and awful and I’m offended every time I see them. 
This one is by far the worst.
And this one isn’t that much better. Don’t get me wrong, wolves, turtles, sea bass and cheesy nature scenes have their charm in the right place, but definitely not in my decor. This weekend, they were ready for an extreme makeover.

I pulled pages from an old dictionary and set to work making a smarter, more neutral decoupage to fit my aesthetic.

And best of all, you just need a little glue and a sharp edge for trimming down. For the more interesting pictures on pages, I lined them up in the switch plate frame, glued them down, evened out the edges and folded them over the back like so. When laid flat, then the hole for the switch can be cut out with a clean edge.

Paint the decoupaged surface with Mod Podge to add an extra coating. Yes, a new adhesive to work with! (I’m a big fan of projects involving glue, in case you didn’t know.) This helps projects last longer, especially if using fragile materials.

Here are the rest I made.

This one is my favorite. It’s going in the bathroom, of course.

Sorry, Wolfie, it was time for you to move out.

Ettorina’s China

Ettorina’s China

When you’re in college, there is nothing less appealing than relatives trying to pawn off their housewares onto you, especially when they’re family heirlooms from aging relatives. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate my Uncle Clarence thinking of me. It was more of a what 

Mason Jar Chandelier

Mason Jar Chandelier

Walking around downtown Petaluma last weekend, I glimpsed in this antique store window and nearly kept on walking. Then, upon closer look … I saw a mason jar chandelier and my heart nearly stopped. And not only with mason jars, but blue mason jars! I 

The Vardo

The Vardo

With Maker Faire just around the corner, it seems like everyone’s getting into the maker spirit around here.

And wouldn’t you know, the master craftsmanship of Paleotool created this adorable, yet extremely funtional, gypsy caravan deemed “The Vardo”- complete with a bed, stove, and ample bookshelves for evenings hunkering down. Please make a point of checking out all the photos of the process. It’s pretty amazing that so much attention to detail was flawless executed.

The Vardo, From Paleotool

Make Magazine shared this fantastic little gem in their blog. I hope to see it in person one day!

The Best Nightlight Ever

The Best Nightlight Ever

From the Ya-Ya dinner the night before, one of Fairy Godmother’s birthday gifts was this original nightlight made by one of her best friends. Honestly, this artist leaves a trail of beauty wherever she goes, and one day I hope to share pictures of her