Tag: Heirlooms

End of Summer Treats

End of Summer Treats

Behold a sassy jalapeƱo margarita, padrone peppers with pancetta, and an heirloom tomato salad with figs, arugula and feta. Thanks, Healdsburg Bar and Grill! What are your favorite foods to eat during Indian summer?

Curing Cast Iron

Curing Cast Iron

If you’re like me, you love cast iron so much you want to see it treated the way it deserves- frequently and with respect. Nothing breaks my heart more than cast iron that sits in the back of the cupboard, never used. I rescued one 

The Ark of Taste

The Ark of Taste

A few months ago, Inside Sonoma published this article on rare local foods. Sonoma County has four of the 200 regional foods recognized on the Slow Food Movement’s “Ark of Taste” list of foods under threat.

Photo by Ariane, Inside Sonoma

Our specialties include: dry Monterey jack cheese, gravenstein apples, crane melon and mission olives. Have you had any, or all of them? The good news is the Slow Food Movement has heightened awareness and these items are making a resurgence.

What are the endangered foods where you live? Check out the Ark of Taste site to find out.

Ettorina’s China

Ettorina’s China

When you’re in college, there is nothing less appealing than relatives trying to pawn off their housewares onto you, especially when they’re family heirlooms from aging relatives. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate my Uncle Clarence thinking of me. It was more of a what