Tag: Health

21 Habits of Happy People

21 Habits of Happy People

Without facebook, how in the world would we ever catch up on reading random new agey affirmation articles? I really enjoyed this one, it’s a good reminder for all of us: 21 Habits of Happy People Happy Thursday!

The Ark of Taste

The Ark of Taste

A few months ago, Inside Sonoma published this article on rare local foods. Sonoma County has four of the 200 regional foods recognized on the Slow Food Movement’s “Ark of Taste” list of foods under threat. Photo by Ariane, Inside Sonoma Our specialties include: dry 

A Box of Young Coconuts

A Box of Young Coconuts

Last weekend I made my first trip to the Asian grocery store in town. It’s time I get away from my Euro-American cooking comfort zone and explore some new terrain. I asked my friend Chuck if she needed me to pick up anything.
“Maybe just a box of young coconuts.”
A box? I looked all over the store, moving in slow motion along the aisles as I scanned every product. Thank goodness almost everything had a picture on the package. So many totally unfamiliar ingredients! I had a time just finding the basics to getting my feet wet, like soy sauce, nori, miso and soba noodles.
I finally went to the counter and asked the clerk. “How many boxes?” she asked. “We’ll bring to your car.”

“Just one.” I had no idea what Chuck would even do with these.

Drink them! If you’re on board with the coconut water craze, this is the source. They do wonders for getting you hydrated and are a cheaper way to go than the fancy water bottles in stores. Chuck’s boyfriend showed me how to hack them open.

Just give them a couple hits with a hatchet, grab a straw and drink!

As to what to do with the rest of the meat inside, I have no idea. Any suggestions? Young coconuts have their own fan page, so that’s my first stop in navigating their mystery.

The Purpose Fairy

The Purpose Fairy

I read a couple articles from this blog last week and I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I’ve been thinking about a lot of things a lot, especially improving my mindset and my world around me. This list was going around Facebook the other 

Goddess Dressing in a Snap

Goddess Dressing in a Snap

I love this salad dressing so much, I would marry it if I could (but others should get priority ahead of me on that waiting list). But seriously, this is great for so many reasons- it’s thick and creamy, it has a little more substance 

It’s Our Right to Know!

It’s Our Right to Know!

Busy weekend getting those garden beds started? Well, before you plant all those tomatoes, check out the Label GMO’s site. They even print the reminder on seed packets.

Pretty scary to think of how many innocent little seeds are genetically modified! We can change it, or at least make people even more aware of their food choices.

Happy planting!

And here’s the link to Rare Seeds for all your heirloom needs.

Scavenger Cooking

Scavenger Cooking

Read my first and second post in this foraging frenzy to catch up! It’s time we took our bounty back to the kitchen to get some food in our bellies. On the menu- miner’s lettuce salad, sauteed fiddlehead ferns, local oyster po’ boy bruschetta, and 

How To: Slicing Citrus Supremes

How To: Slicing Citrus Supremes

With this cold getting me down, I’ve been trying to hit the citrus and vitamin C with full force. Then I found my knife bag after 8 months of neglect and decided to see where my knife skills were at. But mostly I wanted vitamin 

Pink Fuzzy Slipper Cookies

Pink Fuzzy Slipper Cookies

I happened upon these months ago when I was blogging at Craft. They had already been posted on the site, but I bookmarked them to make on a rainy day.
I found them to be especially tempting and fitting in theme today. I broke in my slippers easily after dislocating my elbow. The good news? I’m out of the sling.
The bad news? I woke up yesterday with a head cold/flu and it’s taken me down the last two days. Back to the slippies.
Nothing a little recipe surfing eye candy can’t fix. Can you believe these are transformed from Nutter Butters? I feel better already.
This is the one of the many amazing creations of Beth from Hungry Happenings. She is especially creative with holiday themes and is a great resource if you’re ever in need of a whimsical party dish. Makes me want to get in the kitchen! If I can get out of my jammies.
For the post featured on Craft, click here.