Tag: Fruit

An Overview of Jam Making

An Overview of Jam Making

If you haven’t been seeing so much of me these days, it’s probably because I’ve been busy canning. That’s right, Chuck and I have a new obsession, and when we aren’t talking about it or doing it, we’re thinking about it. As a newcomer to 

Lessons from Fruit

Lessons from Fruit

Love yourself today! And eat some fruit.

Another Vintage Picnic at Daisy’s

Another Vintage Picnic at Daisy’s

Sometimes I wish I could buy a magazine company just so my friend, Daisy, could organize all the shoots, spreads, creative content and distribution of it. She just makes everything pretty.
To kickoff an especially great weekend, she hosted a gal party at the pond down the road from her house. I laughed and bonded in great company, with sunshine, music, food, and an invigorating swim across the pond to make me feel like an Olympian (with a floating noodle assist).
A preparty shot from Daisy
It really doesn’t matter how pretty the place is, how classy the drinks or how artfully prepared the food is. Despite matching linens and handmade decor sewed fresh for the occasion, I know that at Daisy’s place, I will always feel welcome and special.

Meyer lemon finished campagne from Della Fattoria with local cheeses.

Fresh cherries, apricots and raspberries with St. Germain cocktails.

And that was only the beginning of the weekend …

A Box of Young Coconuts

A Box of Young Coconuts

Last weekend I made my first trip to the Asian grocery store in town. It’s time I get away from my Euro-American cooking comfort zone and explore some new terrain. I asked my friend Chuck if she needed me to pick up anything. “Maybe just 

How To: Slicing Citrus Supremes

How To: Slicing Citrus Supremes

With this cold getting me down, I’ve been trying to hit the citrus and vitamin C with full force. Then I found my knife bag after 8 months of neglect and decided to see where my knife skills were at. But mostly I wanted vitamin