Tag: Spring

Water Drum to Composter

Water Drum to Composter

We’re getting ready for spring around here and I thought I’d share an idea the hubby came up with a few years back for an easy, clean composter. First, take an old water drum. This one is 55 gallons and has a screwtop lid. Drill 

Limoncello for Slackers

Limoncello for Slackers

There are few ingredients that delight me as much as Meyer lemons. Their zest has a more pungent aroma, but the juice is less acidic. Their sweet, fragrant quality makes them versatile for recipes both on the hot and cold side- and let’s not forget, 

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Looking for five minutes of fun? Dye Easter eggs! This was literally the fastest, most low key egg dyeing session I’ve ever participated in, from my week with my bestie in the Midwest.

It’s been a while since I did the classic egg dye kit- but it sure is a heck of a lot easier than the glittery, tie-dyed, kaleidoscope variations.

Happy Easter!

Fantastic Forage

Fantastic Forage

Oh, the things we found during my foraging workshop this weekend! If you read yesterday’s post, you’ll have learned a little bit more about the farm hosting the event. Now you get to learn what’s out there. Our teacher, and author of the blog and 

Upper West Side

Upper West Side

I am spending the next couple days organizing my New York trip, so here are more from my adventures from the other week. The beauty of the city is there will always be uncharted territory. I toodled around the Upper West Side and took the 

Painting With Pizazz

Painting With Pizazz

This weekend in St. Paul, I got to enjoy celebrating with my best friend on the signing of her new home. She got her keys the day I arrived. 
That meant lots of errands to run, rolling up our sleeves and diving into sprucing things up before she and her hubby move in. But first, celebrating the big day by christening the ice machine on the new fridge! I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Mitch this happy.

After our first day bringing a load of boxes over, hitting up Menard’s and the paint store, and prepping the neutral walls with tape and tarps, it was time to get painting.

Mitch chose a warm, buttery saffron for the dining room and a toned down dijon for the living room to enhance the natural light.

The first strokes quickly turned to a finished corner.

And before we knew it, two rooms were ready to soak up their first coat.

Happy housewarming! Nothing like spring to motivate projects and new beginnings.

Ice Candles

Ice Candles

I was lucky enough to spend a day in northern Wisconsin a couple days ago before getting back to St. Paul. I arrived on a rainy afternoon after a warm couple days that were a huge help in getting the lake ready for summer. My 

At Least It’s Interesting

At Least It’s Interesting

 New York: day 3. And it just keeps getting more interesting …

Baby Chicks!

Baby Chicks!

We were getting lonely at our house with only 14 animals- and a mere 10 chickens. So my roommate, Sugar, popped by the feed store and got four new baby chicks! We are rounding out the mix of girls with four new Americanas- they are multicolored beauties who lay green eggs.

Here they are at 2 days old.

They aren’t cute at all, are they?

The older girls are not as delighted with the newcomers as we are. Here’s one of the blondies, hootin’ and hollerin’ to let us know she’s displeased.

She’ll have to get used to it.

The chicks are staying in a dog crate under a heat lamp in the coop while the older girls get acclamated to them. But we just had to have some face time with them- keeping them tucked in our pockets or under our neck to keep them warm.

My other roomie, Crystal, just became an auntie of a beauty named Ida. We decided we’re going to name one of the chickies in her honor.

That’s Ida there in the front!

Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring

The daffodils are here, making it officially spring in Bodega!  Here’s to longer days and more sunshine.