Tag: Sewing

Easy Jelly Roll Race to Postage Stamp Quilt

Easy Jelly Roll Race to Postage Stamp Quilt

Two bucket list projects from 1 jelly roll, and I highly recommend! This began as a jelly roll race (a blast for every quilter or quilting dabbler to try), and then became my Holy Grail postage stamp project. This was so satisfying because it was 

Reupholstering with Burlap

Reupholstering with Burlap

Reupholstering was something I thought a Renaissance gal should know how to do, like chopping wood or hemming pants. But it can get expensive, so why not try it with something frugal like burlap? These ghastly chairs made the perfect victims. Getting them apart was 

My First Quilt Square

My First Quilt Square

One small step for the community quilt ladies, one giant step for a fledgling sewer!

My First Quilt- In the Works

My First Quilt- In the Works

Ever have a craft project you’ve been planning for months? How about years?  For me, the corduroy quilt has been in the making since high school, when a dear friend of mine made a duvet cover and an overnight bag out of mismatched corduroy pieces. 

The Old Sewing Box

The Old Sewing Box

For most of my life, it seems I’ve been in a constant battle to organize my craft projects. This year, I made the goal to approach learning to sew on my grandmother’s machine, a terrifying prospect for many reasons. Particularly because it means opening the 

Gnome Doors

Gnome Doors

Last night, I had a little shindig called crafts n’ drafts. Just in the nick of time, I’ve been going stir crazy. Some special gals came over to work on those projects crammed in a corner (mending and finishing for me). We got to work before relaxing and watching The Sound of Music.

Wish I’d taken more pictures, but the highlight was ‘gnome doors’ made by my roomies. We live in the trees, so they’re decorating with adorable mini doors at the tree bases to make them look occupied. Here are some accessories:

I love that I live with ladies who can bust out a Dremel in the living room on a random Saturday night.

Here is one of the finished products, with hinges fashioned from Copenhagen containers. Cute, right?

This is how we live it up on weekends in west county. Just saying.

Fun with Finished Projects

Fun with Finished Projects

Here are some shots of my two finished aprons after an all day marathon of learning some sewing machine basics. Daisy made a gorgeous slipcover for her ottoman. And pillows, which her dog quickly claimed. He has a thing about pillows. Here are some other 

Sewing, Take 1

Sewing, Take 1

Last weekend, I embarked on an amazing adventure with Daisy. I’m learning to sew! My grandmother’s sewing machine has sat in its box patiently waiting for me to get motivated. I went to Daisy and Trout’s place, where she set up two machines for us