Tag: Relationships

Picky Eaters Need Not Apply

Picky Eaters Need Not Apply

If love is a transcending experience, then I’m convinced food is the barometer for it. I’ve theorized about this subject in the past, but pushed it aside when I stumbled upon dating prospects who lack an interest in food. I almost saw this as a 

A Friend Surprise

A Friend Surprise

This week has been a whirlwind of celebrating birthdays, love, new projects and inspiration. Yesterday, I had my first session of physical therapy. Success! In one five minute exercise of resistance and deep tissue massage, I recovered 10% of lost range of motion in my 

A Picture I Saw on Facebook that I Really Love

A Picture I Saw on Facebook that I Really Love

This makes my heart smile.

I’m such a cornball. So lucky there are people who love me for it!