Tag: Ravenous Women

Reupholstering with Burlap

Reupholstering with Burlap

Reupholstering was something I thought a Renaissance gal should know how to do, like chopping wood or hemming pants. But it can get expensive, so why not try it with something frugal like burlap? These ghastly chairs made the perfect victims. Getting them apart was 

Mitch Visits!

Mitch Visits!

If you haven’t heard from me in a while, it’s because I’ve been too busy having fun with my bestie who came for a visit from Minnesota last week. I’m dogsitting, but the pup, Zero, is so cool we let him join the gang and 

My Mantra for Today

My Mantra for Today

Courtesy of Dear Sugar at The Rumpus, this is my M.O. for the day. And the mug is also on my wish list.
What are you setting out to do for today?
Image courtesy of The Rumpus shop

The Purpose Fairy

The Purpose Fairy

I read a couple articles from this blog last week and I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I’ve been thinking about a lot of things a lot, especially improving my mindset and my world around me. This list was going around Facebook the other 

Live Chat on the Future of Food Writing

Live Chat on the Future of Food Writing

If you’re catching this early, tune into the live chat on Twitter for an international discussion of the future of food writing. The handle is #futurefoodwriting with Amanda Hesser of Food52 and countless food bloggers, writers and journalists. Here’s a great link with guidelines for 

food52 Love

food52 Love

I am not sure what has taken me so long to join the food52 community. (For you, Pop, it’s like Facebook for foodies.)

I’ve been following Amanda Hesser ever since she inspired me to write a book about staging. She was a fellow trainee in Burgundy only ten years earlier than I, then moved on to write a bestselling book and write for the New York Times (no big deal).

Then a couple days ago, she wrote this article that changed everything for me. It’s called “Advice for Future Food Writers,” but could apply to any writer, or really any person in any industry, because each business is challenging in its own way. Hesser gives a very honest but encouraging look at writing in a world where all I hear is wild praise, or doom and gloom criticism.

Maybe I lied, and the article didn’t change anything for me, if I’m being honest. I wake up every day and want to write, not because I imagine I can ever count on it paying the bills, but because I have to do it. It sure does help to have support from someone who’s been in the trenches and can look up and say, “it’s a long road, just keep on going.” I know this, but always need to hear it. It’s a good reminder that we are meant to keep having experiences for material, and mainly to keep writing.

Which would mean keeping fun distractions like social forums down to moderate use.

Just Jazz

Just Jazz

I’ll be the first to admit that my alma mater spoiled me with good music. After four years being surrounded by musicians in one of the best jazz programs in the country (at a time when there wasn’t even a jazz studies major, per se), 

“Blood, Bones and Butter” Review

“Blood, Bones and Butter” Review

I read the greatest book just before leaving for New York. Blood, Bones and Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton was like a woman’s take on No Reservations by Anthony Bourdain, another food writer I adore but with a masculinity I can’t relate to. I found much 

Some Lessons from Whitney Houston

Some Lessons from Whitney Houston

Love will save the day.
Say a prayer with every heartbeat.
Never walk in anyone’s shadow.
Sometimes broken hearts can find their way home.
Don’t change all your colors for another.

Be every woman.

Take a chance on loving, no matter the price.

Find hope in your heart, and know your own strength.

If that special place you’ve been dreaming of leads you to a lonely place, find your strength in love.

It’s best to dance with somebody who loves you.

Look a little further, and there are even more ….
The Best Nightlight Ever

The Best Nightlight Ever

From the Ya-Ya dinner the night before, one of Fairy Godmother’s birthday gifts was this original nightlight made by one of her best friends. Honestly, this artist leaves a trail of beauty wherever she goes, and one day I hope to share pictures of her