Tag: Love

Love from the Garden

Love from the Garden

Sending a little love from our summer garden to you!

Picky Eaters Need Not Apply

Picky Eaters Need Not Apply

If love is a transcending experience, then I’m convinced food is the barometer for it. I’ve theorized about this subject in the past, but pushed it aside when I stumbled upon dating prospects who lack an interest in food. I almost saw this as a 

The Kiss

The Kiss

Warning: this post doesn’t really have much to do with anything. It’s just an excuse to show you something cute. Namely, my roommate’s puppy kissing my friend, Chuck.

That’s all.

A Friend Surprise

A Friend Surprise

This week has been a whirlwind of celebrating birthdays, love, new projects and inspiration. Yesterday, I had my first session of physical therapy. Success! In one five minute exercise of resistance and deep tissue massage, I recovered 10% of lost range of motion in my 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I was this close to feeling the sting of singleness this Valentine’s Day until my roommate, Sugar, knocked some sense into me with a reminder of how the love in your life is not dictated by your relationship status. So instead of getting lonely, we 

Just for Today

Just for Today

“The intellect cuts things, the heart sews them together.” Mata Amrita- andamayi

Sometimes we just need a little reminder of this.


A Picture I Saw on Facebook that I Really Love

A Picture I Saw on Facebook that I Really Love

This makes my heart smile. I’m such a cornball. So lucky there are people who love me for it!



I’m just want to warn you right now, there is some ridiculous cuteness about to follow.  That’s right, puppies! My roommate just adopted two sweetie pie huskies who moved in on Wednesday (which ended up being one of the happiest days of my life). We’ve 

Absolutely Scrabulous

Absolutely Scrabulous

I’m 30 years old and I just learned to play Scrabble.  I know, it’s like meeting a college kid who doesn’t know how to drive.  I’ve resisted board games for years because of my propensity to being a sore loser. Since I’m trying to cross things off my list, it’s time I got over it and join, even if I can’t beat ’em.
The women in my family have a gift for Scrabble playing, but I never got that gene.  My mom is particularly strategic and can crush her opponents by over a hundred points.  She is so cute and seemingly harmless when she plays games, so new opponents never see it coming.  She learned from her mother, who was especially merciless at games.

I asked her to teach me.

I love vocabulary, language and word games.  I played the app with my best friend on Facebook and always got creamed.  Turns out there were a lot of rules I didn’t know.

“Mom’s really good,” my brother warned me.

“I’m really bad,” I warned her.  So we played an open hand and took it step by step with her Mr. Miyagi to my Ralph Macchio.

Did you know that different tiles have different point values?  And that you can tack one letter onto places that can make it two words, giving you points for tiles that weren’t even yours?  Here I thought it was just about getting rid of all your tiles!

I got a seven-letter word in that open hand (so what if it included a trade with my mom) and learned some clever tricks.  Like always respect the two letter words.  You can’t go wrong with the X tile.  No looking up words before your turn.  And if you put down a made up word and are challenged and proven guilty, no points for that round.

I’m sure my grandmother up in heaven is smiling down on the birth of a new Scrabble player.  I still have my work cut out for me.



What amazes me about reading is when you find that perfect book for that perfect time in your life.  Since I’ve been slowly trudging through books ever since I moved here from New York (where commuting gave me over 2 hours a day for reading),