Tag: Flowers

Water Drum to Composter

Water Drum to Composter

We’re getting ready for spring around here and I thought I’d share an idea the hubby came up with a few years back for an easy, clean composter. First, take an old water drum. This one is 55 gallons and has a screwtop lid. Drill 

Saturday Mornings

Saturday Mornings

I’m not usually a morning person, but weekends have me waking up early to feed my neighbor’s horses. What started as a chore has become a peaceful, almost zenlike approach to the day. I appreciate the intention it brings and any moment to connect with 

It’s Fun to Be Fancy

It’s Fun to Be Fancy

I never imagined there was something better than champagne. There is. It’s called champagne with a wild hibiscus flower.

For special nights with special people (and that can include just lovely old you), I highly recommend dropping one of these wild hibiscus flowers in a glass of bubbles. Don’t worry, they’re edible and come in a lovely syrup to add a blush of color and sweetness to your glass.

Your friends will be amazed and think you’re real fancy. Don’t worry. It’s okay to be fancy sometimes.

Dogs at the Beach

Dogs at the Beach

From a sunnier day at the coast, with curious puppies, spring coastal flora and ice plant like impressionist paintings.

Marin Organic and Gospel Flat Farm

Marin Organic and Gospel Flat Farm

Food inspiration renewed! This weekend I was fortunate enough to attend a foraging workshop sponsored by Marin Organic.  The foraging location was around Gospel Flat Farms in Bolinas. On a wet and torrential Saturday, I was greeted by cheerful vintage farm equipment … … and colorful 

Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring

The daffodils are here, making it officially spring in Bodega! 

Here’s to longer days and more sunshine.

31st Year

31st Year

A lovely birthday surprise to brighten my room, and test my plant-guardian challenges! The message is clear. I need to wear more red this year.

Just for Me

Just for Me

I finally went to the doctor yesterday. I probably should have gone sooner, I know, but honestly I felt like I was doing so great for having an arm in a sling. The pain was tolerable, and I’ve figured out a way to do just