Tag: Fanciness

Repurposed Jewelry Stand

Repurposed Jewelry Stand

Here’s a great way to use up your mismatched china collection from garage sales over the years. This project couldn’t be simpler and makes a beautiful jewelry stand while displaying those pretty little plates. Just use superglue or my personal favorite, E6000 (it’s waterproof) with 

Ettorina’s China

Ettorina’s China

When you’re in college, there is nothing less appealing than relatives trying to pawn off their housewares onto you, especially when they’re family heirlooms from aging relatives. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate my Uncle Clarence thinking of me. It was more of a what 

Mason Jar Chandelier

Mason Jar Chandelier

Walking around downtown Petaluma last weekend, I glimpsed in this antique store window and nearly kept on walking. Then, upon closer look …

I saw a mason jar chandelier and my heart nearly stopped. And not only with mason jars, but blue mason jars!

I started looking around and found some more inspiration.

Here’s a DIY version from Instructables. No wiring required.

What I really want are some tutorials from Boots N Gus on Etsy.

Come back when you’re done window shopping, dear reader.

It’s Fun to Be Fancy

It’s Fun to Be Fancy

I never imagined there was something better than champagne. There is. It’s called champagne with a wild hibiscus flower. For special nights with special people (and that can include just lovely old you), I highly recommend dropping one of these wild hibiscus flowers in a 

An Afternoon at the Opera

An Afternoon at the Opera

When living in New York and constantly surrounded by people, I believe it’s especially crucial to carve out time to do things reserved just for you. It might be going to a museum once a month or spending time in the morning doing a crossword