Tag: Dogs

Tahoe- Day 1

Tahoe- Day 1

A couple weeks ago I went to Tahoe with my dad and his friend, Maddy. It’s a three hour drive from the East Bay, which means that you still get the better part of a day after you get there. Our first stop was the 

Mitch Visits!

Mitch Visits!

If you haven’t heard from me in a while, it’s because I’ve been too busy having fun with my bestie who came for a visit from Minnesota last week. I’m dogsitting, but the pup, Zero, is so cool we let him join the gang and 

Dogs at the Beach

Dogs at the Beach

From a sunnier day at the coast, with curious puppies, spring coastal flora and ice plant like impressionist paintings.

The Kiss

The Kiss

Warning: this post doesn’t really have much to do with anything. It’s just an excuse to show you something cute. Namely, my roommate’s puppy kissing my friend, Chuck. That’s all.

How Punky Brewster Changed My Life

How Punky Brewster Changed My Life

It is not uncommon for me to wake up with a random song in my head, and this morning was no exception. As I let the chickens out and sipped my brewed coffee, a flute tinkled in the background of my brain, an accent to 



I’m just want to warn you right now, there is some ridiculous cuteness about to follow. 
That’s right, puppies! My roommate just adopted two sweetie pie huskies who moved in on Wednesday (which ended up being one of the happiest days of my life). We’ve been overwhelmed by the cuteness these last couple days and the house is full of love. (The cats, of course, are less than pleased.)

 Sugar will keep one of the girls at our house and the other will go to her parents so they can still hang out every day. We just have to decide which gal goes where, and what to name them.

 I’m secretly calling this one Bear, and may have whispered it into her ear once or twice.

I’m not even kidding. They are seriously this cute.

I’m determined to be the best dog auntie ever!

I’m trying to keep from falling into a puppy coma, but if you don’t hear from me for a while, you’ll know where I am.

Lucky Dog

Lucky Dog

Sometimes a dishwasher just isn’t enough.

Stella Hits the Beach

Stella Hits the Beach

 Here are some pictures from last week when Stella and I had a doggie date at the beach. Meet Lulu and Julia.  Stella and Lulu?  Big dog, little dog?  Some things are meant to be. Frisbee, dogs and friends.  The perfect equation for happiness.



I’m housesitting for a sweet boxer who looks more human every day.

Really, the resemblance is uncanny.