Tag: Crafts

Repurposed Jewelry Stand

Repurposed Jewelry Stand

Here’s a great way to use up your mismatched china collection from garage sales over the years. This project couldn’t be simpler and makes a beautiful jewelry stand while displaying those pretty little plates. Just use superglue or my personal favorite, E6000 (it’s waterproof) with 

Easy Jelly Roll Race to Postage Stamp Quilt

Easy Jelly Roll Race to Postage Stamp Quilt

Two bucket list projects from 1 jelly roll, and I highly recommend! This began as a jelly roll race (a blast for every quilter or quilting dabbler to try), and then became my Holy Grail postage stamp project. This was so satisfying because it was 

Revamped Switch Plates

Revamped Switch Plates

 I’ve been in my new apartment for three months and it’s cute as can be- except for the light switch covers. They’re just terrible and awful and I’m offended every time I see them. 
This one is by far the worst.
And this one isn’t that much better. Don’t get me wrong, wolves, turtles, sea bass and cheesy nature scenes have their charm in the right place, but definitely not in my decor. This weekend, they were ready for an extreme makeover.

I pulled pages from an old dictionary and set to work making a smarter, more neutral decoupage to fit my aesthetic.

And best of all, you just need a little glue and a sharp edge for trimming down. For the more interesting pictures on pages, I lined them up in the switch plate frame, glued them down, evened out the edges and folded them over the back like so. When laid flat, then the hole for the switch can be cut out with a clean edge.

Paint the decoupaged surface with Mod Podge to add an extra coating. Yes, a new adhesive to work with! (I’m a big fan of projects involving glue, in case you didn’t know.) This helps projects last longer, especially if using fragile materials.

Here are the rest I made.

This one is my favorite. It’s going in the bathroom, of course.

Sorry, Wolfie, it was time for you to move out.

Dress Up an Old Hat

Dress Up an Old Hat

Believe it or not, this lonely old sunhat was sitting in a pile of free stuff, ready to be kicked to the curb. Until I snatched it up. I found a cheery ribbon, a little glue, and voila! Thank goodness we still have a couple 

My First Quilt Square

My First Quilt Square

One small step for the community quilt ladies, one giant step for a fledgling sewer!

Mason Jar Chandelier

Mason Jar Chandelier

Walking around downtown Petaluma last weekend, I glimpsed in this antique store window and nearly kept on walking. Then, upon closer look …

I saw a mason jar chandelier and my heart nearly stopped. And not only with mason jars, but blue mason jars!

I started looking around and found some more inspiration.

Here’s a DIY version from Instructables. No wiring required.

What I really want are some tutorials from Boots N Gus on Etsy.

Come back when you’re done window shopping, dear reader.

My First Quilt- In the Works

My First Quilt- In the Works

Ever have a craft project you’ve been planning for months? How about years?  For me, the corduroy quilt has been in the making since high school, when a dear friend of mine made a duvet cover and an overnight bag out of mismatched corduroy pieces. 

The Old Sewing Box

The Old Sewing Box

For most of my life, it seems I’ve been in a constant battle to organize my craft projects. This year, I made the goal to approach learning to sew on my grandmother’s machine, a terrifying prospect for many reasons. Particularly because it means opening the 

The Best Nightlight Ever

The Best Nightlight Ever

From the Ya-Ya dinner the night before, one of Fairy Godmother’s birthday gifts was this original nightlight made by one of her best friends. Honestly, this artist leaves a trail of beauty wherever she goes, and one day I hope to share pictures of her garden with you.
Her latest creation is a nightlight transformed from a sardine tin and adorned with old jewelry, beads and a broken watch. 

Hank really liked it, too.

What’s tricky about putting them together is all the drilling and wiring parts together. The gluing has to be minimal, since the lightbulb heats the piece up.

Alas, these are one of a kind treasures are only made on a case by case basis because of all the time they entail, but they’re really something, aren’t they?

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I was this close to feeling the sting of singleness this Valentine’s Day until my roommate, Sugar, knocked some sense into me with a reminder of how the love in your life is not dictated by your relationship status. So instead of getting lonely, we