Tag: Bloggers

The Great American Menu

The Great American Menu

I thought this was interesting. What’s your home state and its signature food? Find out here:http://deadspin.com/the-great-american-menu-foods-of-the-states-ranked-an-1349137024/@Jessica

The Purpose Fairy

The Purpose Fairy

I read a couple articles from this blog last week and I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I’ve been thinking about a lot of things a lot, especially improving my mindset and my world around me. This list was going around Facebook the other 

My New Favorite Blog

My New Favorite Blog

It’s such a shame that in all my days chasing around music boys in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, I never ran into Bon Iver. He was probably busy hanging out with cool guys while we band geeks were lucky to mix with the “jazzers.” 

Perhaps that allows me to like him more from afar, with the new discovery of Boniverotica. The humor blog was dreamt up by a trio of friends Alice Warren-Gregory, Anna Sawyer and Alex Finkel from Boulder, Colorado, and went viral within a couple days of launching. Here’s what happens when hipster girls imagine the perfect dude with comedic genius.

Some of my faves:

 “I am out back by the shed, tending to our chickens – Clara and Jack, and little Myron, who is lame. Bon Iver is waiting patiently for my return. While he waits, he is darning my socks.”

“Bon Iver is sitting cross-legged on the floor, his brow furrowed. It seems he and the jigsaw puzzle have come to an impasse. We’d bought it secondhand, and the box had been lost, so we were left to guess what shape the pieces would take. We weren’t even sure they were all there. I suggest he take a break for a bit and clear his head. ‘I can’t,’ he says, ‘I need to make something whole today.’”
“Our trip to Eagle River took twice as long as the map said: because Bon Iver begged me to pull over for the apricot stand, the Indian village, the typewriter museum.”

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better than Feminist Ryan Gosling‘s Hey Girl Meme. 

Lessons Learned from Live Chats

Lessons Learned from Live Chats

I needed the better part of the weekend to recover from a live chat on Friday discussing the future of food writing. (Okay, so there were some parties, too.) But seriously, for the precious pearls of wisdom gained from seasoned writers dishing out free advice, 

Live Chat on the Future of Food Writing

Live Chat on the Future of Food Writing

If you’re catching this early, tune into the live chat on Twitter for an international discussion of the future of food writing. The handle is #futurefoodwriting with Amanda Hesser of Food52 and countless food bloggers, writers and journalists. Here’s a great link with guidelines for 

In Defense of Blogging

In Defense of Blogging

There’s something that’s been eating at me all week. I’ll just let it all out, dear reader.

Last week in my creative writing class, my teacher was discussing point of view. Since I write primarily in 1st person narrative and have a strong base for language, I felt pretty clear on this, but wondered if I wavered into 2nd at times.

“So what about that conversational type of writing where you are addressing the reader as ‘you?’ Like you often see in blogs as though telling a story to a best friend? Does that waver into 2nd person?”

Well, the gist of the answer was no, it is still 1st person unless the author is writing as if YOU baked a cake, YOU took a writing class, YOU are the character in the events.

But what got to me was that my beloved teacher wrinkled her nose and said, “Sloppy writing. That’s the style of blogging.”

I was disappointed, even a tiny bit crushed she felt that way. I’m sure many writers and academics feel the same.

Then I felt defensive. Blogging has not necessarily changed my life, but it has certainly given me more of a direction in my writing. It has increased my output, and encouraged me to write. Every day. (For a writer, this is huge.) It has pushed me to become more familiar with the computer and to share my work and bring it to light from mere musings hidden between the pages of countless notebooks. It has made me take a started thought and finish it, even if it is simply about a cracker tin or a rock that inspired me.

I want to think that readers feel the same- that they are reading everyday and joining in a community of followers with common interests. I love that the Pioneer Woman makes me smile and feel lighter just by posting a photo of her goofy Bassett Hound, Charlie, wearing nerd glasses. I love that I get to see what adventures my friends, Amanda Rae and Georgia Pellegrini are up to each day. Just by showing up and reading, makes me part of the connectedness, the adventure. And if that’s simply from being addressed like I’m an old friend from far away, then I am totally more than okay with that.

I have to acknowledge that not all posts are created equal, that there will be days that you don’t give a tinker’s toot about what I had for breakfast or where I took a walk, and that other blogs may generate a similar response. But even if there is one day where you can relate to my experience, or be entertained, or inspired, or annoyed, or enchanted, or opposed, or amused, or interested from something you’ve read, then isn’t that the point? Doesn’t that make it worth it? I mean, sloppy? Really?

There is something beautiful about stream-of-consciousness, unedited thought. Why should James Joyce have all the fun? And glory?

So until my next great American novel is published, and as I try to hone my craft, come out of my shell, and try to take advantage of the delicate mysteries of life and the human experience, I want to keep sharing them with you, even if we’ve never met, as intimately as I know how.

Slops and all.

Life is Like a Shop of Chocolates

Life is Like a Shop of Chocolates

If I hadn’t spent some wasted time today drooling over pictures of pastry in Google images, I never would have stumbled upon photos of my old staging spot in France! Okay, a little more background. Just after culinary school, I went to Europe for 6 

Address the Present Moment

Address the Present Moment

My fabulous aunt introduced me to the blog by Flux Capacitor a couple months ago. I check in when I need sensitive insight and feel starved for rich writing. The other day I stumbled upon this beautiful post from her and I think you should, too. 

Pink Fuzzy Slipper Cookies

Pink Fuzzy Slipper Cookies

I happened upon these months ago when I was blogging at Craft. They had already been posted on the site, but I bookmarked them to make on a rainy day.
I found them to be especially tempting and fitting in theme today. I broke in my slippers easily after dislocating my elbow. The good news? I’m out of the sling.
The bad news? I woke up yesterday with a head cold/flu and it’s taken me down the last two days. Back to the slippies.
Nothing a little recipe surfing eye candy can’t fix. Can you believe these are transformed from Nutter Butters? I feel better already.
This is the one of the many amazing creations of Beth from Hungry Happenings. She is especially creative with holiday themes and is a great resource if you’re ever in need of a whimsical party dish. Makes me want to get in the kitchen! If I can get out of my jammies.
For the post featured on Craft, click here.

The Omnivore’s Hundred

The Omnivore’s Hundred

It’s a new year, time to take stock of your life and plan for the future. It’s time I set some more food goals, including eating new things and making a food bucket list. I recently have been seeing a list going around Facebook of