Tag: Art

City of Murals

City of Murals

A day trip to the old cowboy town of Toppenish gave me a chance to catch up on local art. The town is covered in murals, one commissioned each year to honor the community’s history and culture. No surprise they call it the “city of 

Furniture Tour

Furniture Tour

Hey, art lovers. There’s still one more tour we haven’t seen from my wonderful day at the Met during my week in New York. And get ready, it’s a nerdy one. Royal furniture and stately rooms! I seriously can’t get enough of this stuff. The 

Arts of the Islamic World

Arts of the Islamic World

Okay, how much do you know about Islamic art? Because I know nothing.

So to continue with neato things from the Met, here are some snapshots from the tour of Arts in the Islamic World. Notice the importance of symmetry, arches, and the use of stone, tile, and woodcarving. This makes me want to jump on a plane and head to Morocco, or Iran, or the holy land, anywhere I can get more of this aesthetic and precision to detail.


Calligraphy- mostly found in Arabic for a traditional Koran.

Carpet weaving.

Blown glass.

At this point, I just started taking pictures of every pretty and/or shiny object my little camera could hold.

Highlights from the Met

Highlights from the Met

It’s been a busy couple weeks moving. I’m still coming up for air, so let me take this time to reflect on a day trip in New York I haven’t shared with you yet. A jam-packed afternoon leaves us with art for days! (And that 

An Afternoon at the Opera

An Afternoon at the Opera

When living in New York and constantly surrounded by people, I believe it’s especially crucial to carve out time to do things reserved just for you. It might be going to a museum once a month or spending time in the morning doing a crossword 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I was this close to feeling the sting of singleness this Valentine’s Day until my roommate, Sugar, knocked some sense into me with a reminder of how the love in your life is not dictated by your relationship status.
So instead of getting lonely, we watched Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead (how did I survive childhood without ever seeing that movie?) and made valentines. At last, I found a use for the intricate paper cuts I brought home from China!
Dad, can you guess which one is yours? 
As if Sugar wasn’t already one of the most talented and driven ladies I’ve had the privilege to know, she’s also a tremendous artist. This was her valentine to her parents, which moved me to tears. Yep, I’m a gal with a lot of feelings. (Of course, Sugar humbly declares she’s had little experience with portraits.) 

Wishing you lots of love today and every day.