Tag: Advice

What I Really Love Today

What I Really Love Today

10 Rules for Success. I love this stuff. Read here.

21 Habits of Happy People

21 Habits of Happy People

Without facebook, how in the world would we ever catch up on reading random new agey affirmation articles? I really enjoyed this one, it’s a good reminder for all of us: 21 Habits of Happy People Happy Thursday!

My Mantra for Today

My Mantra for Today

Courtesy of Dear Sugar at The Rumpus, this is my M.O. for the day. And the mug is also on my wish list.
What are you setting out to do for today?
Image courtesy of The Rumpus shop

The Purpose Fairy

The Purpose Fairy

I read a couple articles from this blog last week and I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I’ve been thinking about a lot of things a lot, especially improving my mindset and my world around me. This list was going around Facebook the other 

Procession of Game

Procession of Game

“In 1886, we gorged. In 2012, we nibble.” So I read yesterday in an article by Robert Krulwich at NPR on the state of overfished waters in the past century.See White House menus from 1886 titled, “Procession of Game.” SOUP Venison (Hunter style) Game Broth FISH Broiled Trout, 

Lessons Learned from Live Chats

Lessons Learned from Live Chats

I needed the better part of the weekend to recover from a live chat on Friday discussing the future of food writing. (Okay, so there were some parties, too.) But seriously, for the precious pearls of wisdom gained from seasoned writers dishing out free advice, there was an awful lot to sift through.

My initial response is I needed to do some research on chat guidelines to make sure I wasn’t missing the mark. I found this great article at smallbiztrends.com for a little reassurance that my “virtual whiplash” as one tweeted was not unfounded.

The author Lisa Barone wrote, “If you’re not familiar with them, a Twitter chat is a guided conversation where users interested in a particular topic hop onto the service to chat. The chat is given a hashtag, which makes it easy for anyone looking in to identify the chat and participate. It’s similar to a chat room in that it’s a topic-driven conversation happening in real time; it just happens to be housed on Twitter.”

I couldn’t have found a better way to say that. She also suggests researching the chat topics beforehand, participating, asking questions, and taking advantage of the chat as a networking tool. All great advice! 

Not sure if this chat was different, or just very busy from a lot of users. I found the re-tweeting got too heavy and created a lot of distance between answers to questions. In an active chat with an experienced panel, I would prefer to keep the little chit chat down so it is easier to follow. 

Favorite things said:

Monica Bhide: parting words: write because you love it. Do it consistently and do it persistently.. The rewards are priceless. 🙂

Dianne Jacob: Writers are sensitive. Rejection can be difficult. The most important thing is to keep at it & believe in yourself.

Adam Roberts (Amateur Gourmet): My take on : you can work your way up through established channels or create your own channel. I suggest the latter.

The Foodie Bugle: If food writers don’t focus on showcasing artisanal food producers they’ll have very little to write about in the future.

Dan Lepard: You are better than today’s writing, or tomorrows. Aim to be clearer, gritter every time.

Live Chat on the Future of Food Writing

Live Chat on the Future of Food Writing

If you’re catching this early, tune into the live chat on Twitter for an international discussion of the future of food writing. The handle is #futurefoodwriting with Amanda Hesser of Food52 and countless food bloggers, writers and journalists. Here’s a great link with guidelines for 

food52 Love

food52 Love

I am not sure what has taken me so long to join the food52 community. (For you, Pop, it’s like Facebook for foodies.) I’ve been following Amanda Hesser ever since she inspired me to write a book about staging. She was a fellow trainee in