Month: February 2012

I Wanna Dance With Somebody

I Wanna Dance With Somebody

Yesterday, a good friend told me the sad news that Whitney Houston died in her hotel. My heart broke. I immediately burst into tears and am still fighting them. I’m devastated that such an incredible woman’s life had to end so abruptly and tragically. She 

How Punky Brewster Changed My Life

How Punky Brewster Changed My Life

It is not uncommon for me to wake up with a random song in my head, and this morning was no exception. As I let the chickens out and sipped my brewed coffee, a flute tinkled in the background of my brain, an accent to 

A Nice Little Jaunt

A Nice Little Jaunt

I got another local spot under my belt this weekend when I took a walk around the grounds at Westminster Woods right next to Bohemian Grove. (Technically, it’s not open to the public, but I got some connections and seized the opportunity.)
What immediately grabbed me about this place (aside from devastating beauty in the quiet mystery of redwoods), was the lack of conflict between modern science and its Christian belief system. On a walk through the grounds, each step represents a million years. Signs are posted showing the evolutionary development of the planet for that particular time, as well as information about the whys and hows of our own unique ecosystem here in west county. Take note, science and spirituality can mix!

Also a climbing wall with lots of potential. Love that kids get to be exposed to this!

And my personal favorite of the ground features was the outdoor kitchen and herb garden. Not that I’m biased.

A homemade “cob” oven. I wonder why they call it that?

Oh, now I get it. See the cobs jutting out from under the mud and clay?

How To: Slicing Citrus Supremes

How To: Slicing Citrus Supremes

With this cold getting me down, I’ve been trying to hit the citrus and vitamin C with full force. Then I found my knife bag after 8 months of neglect and decided to see where my knife skills were at. But mostly I wanted vitamin 

A Hike Off Bohemian Highway

A Hike Off Bohemian Highway

This weekend, I took my first hike in over a month, and quite possibly my first real exercise since the fall. And all out of the sling! (It’s the little things.) I packed some sandwiches and trail mix and hit the highway. Bohemian Highway. There’s 

Pink Fuzzy Slipper Cookies

Pink Fuzzy Slipper Cookies

I happened upon these months ago when I was blogging at Craft. They had already been posted on the site, but I bookmarked them to make on a rainy day.
I found them to be especially tempting and fitting in theme today. I broke in my slippers easily after dislocating my elbow. The good news? I’m out of the sling.
The bad news? I woke up yesterday with a head cold/flu and it’s taken me down the last two days. Back to the slippies.
Nothing a little recipe surfing eye candy can’t fix. Can you believe these are transformed from Nutter Butters? I feel better already.
This is the one of the many amazing creations of Beth from Hungry Happenings. She is especially creative with holiday themes and is a great resource if you’re ever in need of a whimsical party dish. Makes me want to get in the kitchen! If I can get out of my jammies.
For the post featured on Craft, click here.