Month: January 2012

Fun with Finished Projects

Fun with Finished Projects

Here are some shots of my two finished aprons after an all day marathon of learning some sewing machine basics. Daisy made a gorgeous slipcover for her ottoman. And pillows, which her dog quickly claimed. He has a thing about pillows. Here are some other 

Sewing, Take 1

Sewing, Take 1

Last weekend, I embarked on an amazing adventure with Daisy. I’m learning to sew! My grandmother’s sewing machine has sat in its box patiently waiting for me to get motivated. I went to Daisy and Trout’s place, where she set up two machines for us 

Sunset in the Desert

Sunset in the Desert

Here’s a shot of an amazing sunset over Nevada on my drive back from my last trip. Even with a crack in the windshield, the view was tough to beat. Definitely the highlight from the weekend.

How to Eat a Pomegranate

How to Eat a Pomegranate

My roommate brought home the most wonderful pomegranates from her friend’s tree. Sadly, many of them sat unnoticed in our decorative fruit basket and eventually got fed to the chickens.  Three of them were left, begging to be eaten. It’s not often that I eat 

New Glasses!

New Glasses!

How do they look?

Sunset with Laycee

Sunset with Laycee

The other night, my sissy came over to see my place and I gave her the locals tour of life out at the coast. Of course, that included watching the sunset at the beach while she’s here for a couple more days before returning to New York.
Here’s our afternoon, thanks to some shared photos with Laycee.

The Omnivore’s Hundred

The Omnivore’s Hundred

It’s a new year, time to take stock of your life and plan for the future. It’s time I set some more food goals, including eating new things and making a food bucket list. I recently have been seeing a list going around Facebook of 

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy new year! I hope everyone had a safe and fun evening last night, and that you are as excited for 2012 as I am. I’m ready for lots of great stuff this year. As for my night, I had a mellow evening at my