Month: March 2011

Shell to Bait

Shell to Bait

I realize I didn’t explain much in the way of baiting a hook for fish. This is just a hair more complicated than sticking a worm on a hook, but I took a video of Bear opening a giant mussel for fish bait. Enjoy!

Fishing, Take 1

Fishing, Take 1

This weekend, I went fishing for the first time since I was eight. It was awesome. Bear knows all the great spots along the coast and had the gear and know-how, so I rolled up my sleeves and put my best fish-catching face on. Here’s 

New York Highlights

New York Highlights

Though it’s been weeks since my trip to New York to celebrate my 30th, I am only now feeling like I’ve recovered … and it occurred to me I haven’t shared photos! Here are some of the highlights beyond the epic new haircut.

View from the air:

Having brunch in Brooklyn with my lovely Brandy:

Brandy shows us her stuff:
Out at the Levee, a Williamsburg staple:
With my long-time roomie and bestie, Bessie:
In Carroll Gardens with old friends Frank and Abe:
Enjoying a midnight spread of junky bar food:
At an art opening for Bessie’s friend, who had a window display on 53rd through Chashama.

Brandy cut her hair, too.
I didn’t want the trip to end, but it simply had to. Since I’ve already seen most of the sights over the years I lived in Brooklyn, this trip was mostly about seeing friends, drinking coffee and eating as much pizza as possible. Next time, my place in California!
When was the last time you visited a place you used to call home? Was it nostalgic, bittersweet, happy, sad? Share your experience in the comments below!
Adventures in Potpourri Making

Adventures in Potpourri Making

I’m trying new avenues of craftiness: namely with flowers. I’ve been scavenging my workplace for the wilted rejects and seeing if I can preserve them. Valentine roses= potpourri and voila! Trash to treasure. There is no secret that I know of. Rip the petals from 

Bizarre Foods and the People Who Eat Them

Bizarre Foods and the People Who Eat Them

Meet Bear. Hunter. Forager. Mountain man. Total badass. In addition to being one of the savviest people I know to the ways of the wilderness, he’s also something of a legend in West County. And he’s going to be on Bizarre Foods tonight! The episode